batu terapung di udara
subhanallah... batu itu masih terapung hingga kini.... berdasarkan sumber, gambar batu ini diambil di dalam linkungan Masjidil AQSA di jerusalam... masjid tersebut dikawal ketat oleh tentera israel, namun begitu, terdapat seorang pelancong dari indonesia yang berjaya mendapatkan gambar tersebut untuk tatapan orang islam... terima kasih buat beliau kerana berjaya mengambil foto ini untuk tatapan kita semua kerana seperti yang kita ketahui, umat islam amat sukar untuk menjejakkan kaki kesana kerana perbuatan kejam orang yahudi untuk menjatuhkan agama islam... tempat ini dipanggil sebagai dome of rock... ia dikawal ketat dan ditutup untuk tatapan umum..... semoga anda dapat menghayati kekuasaan allah yang maha esa...
“Tapi saya rasa lecturer saya dapat yakinkan saya bahawa Teori Evolusi itu ada benarnya. Rasa resah betul masa dalam kelas”, kata Nazri, salah seorang pelajar yang mengikuti kursus bersama saya.
“Soalnya sekarang, apakah Teori Evolusi itu memang bertentangan dengan Islam? Apakah pendirian Islam terhadap Teori Darwin? 100% bertentangan atau bagaimana?”, saya bertanya kembali kepada beliau.
”Hmm, bab ni susah nak jawab”, katanya.
”Ustaz rasa, cabaran sekarang ialah, kita tidak boleh pukul rata. Kita kena bezakan di antara Charles Darwin, Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism, Social-Darwinism dan Teori Evolusi itu sendiri”, saya sekadar memberi cadangan.
Nazri mengangguk.
”Memang banyak bezanya. Tapi bila diterjemah kepada bahasa Melayu, semuanya dibakulkan jadi ’Teori Darwin’. Itu sahaja”, sambungnya.
”Itu masalahnya. Pada pandangan ustaz, sikap pukul rata penceramah-penceramah mencela Teori Darwin, akan mendatangkan masalah, khususnya kepada orang macam anta, yang ambil Biologi untuk peperiksaan A-Level. Ramai yang sangka Teori Darwin dan evolusinya…. 100% bertentangan dengan Islam”, saya meneruskan cerita.
”Hujah mereka mudah. Kalau percaya tentang Teori Darwin, maknanya kita percaya yang atuk nenek kita dulu ialah beruk! Itu sahaja”, Nazri menyokong.
Kami sama-sama termenung. Ia bukan isu yang mudah.
Kefahaman kita tentang teori evolusi bukanlah terhad kepada mahu menjawab soalan siapa / apa bapa kita. Ia juga bukan sekadar untuk mencela penjajahan Barat yang disandarkan kepada kepercayaan struggle of the fittest golongan Social Darwinist.
Kebetulan di dalam kelas Muslim Historiography saya bersama Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Elyas Hussein, kami telah berbincang tentang persoalan yang lebih mendasar terhadap perlunya kepada pendirian yang betul terhadap Teori Evolusi ini, iaitu persoalan ”Permulaan Sejarah”.
Ia membabitkan pengujian kita terhadap teori evolusi biologi dalam menjawab persoalan penciptaan Adam dan kehidupan di bumi sebelum Adam.
Hal ini penting, untuk mengungkaikan keresahan kita apabila kemajuan kajian DNA, telah membantu saintis untuk menghitung kadar mutasi struktur hidupan. Kebolehan ini mengukuhkan lagi usia fosil yang ditemui dan ini mencabar kesimpulan simplistik kita terhadap ”Persoalan Sejarah” yang saya maksudkan tadi.
Setakat ini, saintis telah mengesan kira-kira 15 spesis awal manusia. Tetapi sulit untuk dikategori dan ditentukan bagaimanakah hubungan di antara spesis ini dan bagaimanakah setiap satu spesis itu berakhir. Spesis seawal Australopithecine yang dianggarkan berusia 5 ke 2 juta tahun dahulu, membawa kepada spesis Neanderthal yang dianggarkan berusia 200,000 ke 24,000 tahun yang lalu, kesemuanya ini menimbulkan persoalan berkaitan penciptaan Adam, dan pendirian Islam terhadap evolusi itu sendiri. Apakah Adam itu hidup seawal era Australopithecine atau bagaimana?
Saya mungkin tidak berkeahlian dalam membicarakan tentang hal ini, khususnya melalui saluran Biologi, namun saya ingin berkongsi dengan pembaca beberapa perkara yang boleh membantu pembaca membuat penilaian awal tentang hal ini.
Saya datangkan beberapa ayat al-Quran berkenaan dengan asal usul manusia:
Firman Allah SWT di dalam al-Quran:
Dia menciptakan manusia (lembaga Adam) dari tanah liat kering seperti tembikar (Al-Rahmaan 55: 14)
Lihat juga ayat-ayat di 22:5, 23:12, 30:20, 32:7, 37:11
Allah SWT juga menyebut:
Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan manusia dalam bentuk yang sebaik-baiknya (Al-Tin 95: 4)
Mohamed Asad dalam menafsirkan ayat ini mengatakan bahawa: Allah SWT telah menciptakan manusia di dalam bentuk yang paling sempurna dan dikurniakan kualiti-kualiti yang positif pada fizikal dan mentalnya sesuai dengan tujuan yang perlu dilaksanakan oleh makhluk yang diciptakan ini.
Lihat juga ayat-ayat di 8:2 dan 7:8
Allah SWT turut menjelaskan di dalam al-Quran bahawa seluruh manusia adalah dari keturunan Adam. Firman-Nya:
Wahai sekalian manusia! Bertaqwalah kepada Tuhan kamu yang telah menjadikan kamu (bermula) dari diri yang satu (Adam), dan yang menjadikan daripada (Adam) itu pasangannya (isterinya – Hawa), dan juga yang membiakkan dari keduanya – zuriat keturunan – lelaki dan perempuan yang ramai. (Al-Nisaa’ 4: 1)
Dan manusia itu diciptakan Allah dengan maksud menjadikan mereka Khalifah di muka bumi:
Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada Malaikat; “Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di bumi”. mereka bertanya (tentang hikmat ketetapan Tuhan itu dengan berkata): “Adakah Engkau (Ya Tuhan kami) hendak menjadikan di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat bencana dan menumpahkan darah (berbunuh-bunuhan), padahal Kami sentiasa bertasbih dengan memujiMu dan mensucikanMu?”. Tuhan berfirman: “Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui akan apa yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya” (Al-Baqarah 2: 30)
Di dalam sejarah Islam, tumpuan kita adalah pada melihat sejauh mana umat melaksanakan peraturan Allah, sebagai mekanisma jatuh dan bangunnya tamadun. Oleh kerana tumpuannya begitu, maka kadang-kadang kita terlepas pandang kepada pandangan para ulama’ terhadap persoalan-persoalan ‘pra-sejarah’ ini.
Sebagaimana teori evolusi mempunyai akar falsafah yang melunjur hingga ke era Ancient Greek dan Roman serta agama, maka ia turut menjadi bahan ulama Islam mencari jawapan kepada persoalan pra-sejarah ini. Namun terasnya adalah bersandarkan kepada ayat-ayat al-Quran yang telah memiliki pendirian yang tersendiri mengenainya. Walaupun ulama Islam memanfaatkan sumber yang ada di sekitar mereka, tetapi prinsip-prinsip al-Quran tetap menjadi teras utama kepada mereka.
Lihat sahaja buku Akhbar al-Zaman oleh al-Mas’oudi, sebelum memperkatakan tentang Adam dan generasi selepasnya, Al-Mas’oudi meletakkan bab “Penjelasan Tentang Umur Dunia, “Penjelasan Tentang Umat-umat Sebelum Adam”, Penjelasan Tentang “Jin dan Jenis-jenis dan Qabilah Mereka”, “Penjelasan Tentang Bumi Dan Apa Yang Ada Padanya”, “Penjelasan Tentang Laut Yang Meliputi (Al-Bahr al-Muhi?) dan Perkara-perkara Ajaib yang Ada di Dalamnya” dan sebagainya.
Al-Mas’oudi menjelaskan bahawa terdapat 28 umat yang telah dicipta di muka bumi sebelum Adam. Mereka terdiri daripada flora dan fauna serta Ummah yang agak menyerupai Bani Adam. Umat ini bercampur dan berinteraksi hingga membawa kepada berkembangnya mereka kepada 120 umat.
Al-Thabari juga menyatakan di dalam Tafsirnya bahawa kesemua hidupan diciptakan sebelum penciptaan Adam.
Al-Maqdisi menjelaskan bahawa terdapat 3 Umat yang utama di dunia sebelum Adam iaitu dua daripadanya terdiri daripada kaum Jin. Manakala kaum yang ketiga adalah golongan yang berbeza dari Jin kerana mereka ini berdaging dan berdarah. Golongan ketiga ini adalah mereka yang dimaksudkan sebagai “man yufsidu feehaa wa yasfiku al-dimaa’: golongan yang membuat kerosakan dan menumpahkan darah” seperti yang diulas oleh Malaikat di dalam ayat al-Quran 2: 30.
Ulasan-ulasan al-Mas’oudi ini memperlihatkan bahawa persoalan tentang hal ehwal pra-sejarah telah pun dibahaskan oleh para Ulama’ jauh sebelum munculnya di Eropah, debat evolusi pada kurun mutakhir ini. Ulama Islam sudah menyentuh bidang ini 10 kurun sebelum ia diperkatakan di Eropah.
Persoalan ini penting di sisi ilmuan Islam, untuk membina dan menstrukturkan World History pada perspektif Islam. Mereka melihat persoalan Tuhan, manusia dan alam, sebagai subjek yang tidak boleh dipisahkan. Di atas prinsip itu, persoalan sejarah tidak sewenang-wenangnya bermula hanya dengan penciptaan Adam, tetapi era Pra-Adam turut diambil kira.
Inilah yang mengagumkan saya. Sekian lama saya terlepas pandang terhadap perhatian yang diberikan oleh Ulama’ seawal kurun ke-10M terhadap isu ini. Keprihatinan mereka menunjukkan bahawa subjek ini berharga untuk diberikan perhatian.
Berkenaan dengan penciptaan Adam, majoriti ulama Islam percaya bahawa Adam dan Hawa telah dicipta dengan lengkap di Syurga. Mereka kemudiannya dihantar ke bumi selepas memakan buah yang terlarang. Keturunan mereka mengisi populasi bumi dan memulakan sejarah manusia.
Akan tetapi Allah SWT tidak menjelaskan di dalam al-Quran bagaimanakah Adam itu dicipta. Adakah dia dicipta secara berperingkat atau dengan satu proses sahaja? Sebahagian ahli Tafsir mendatangkan pandangan bahawa ketika Allah SWT mencipta Adam, tubuh Adam itu dibiarkan selama 40 tahun sebelum ditiupkan ke dalamnya roh. Di sini kita boleh melihat dengan jelas pengaruh tradisi Ancient Persian terhadap tafsiran berkenaan.
Terdapat juga sebahagian daripada ulama Islam yang menjelaskan bahawa Adam bukanlah manusia pertama yang dicipta di muka bumi. Mereka berpandangan bahawa ratusan ribu ‘Adam’ telah wujud sebelum Adam bapa kita. Setiap satu ‘Adam’ itu telah mempunyai keturunan dan kehidupannya, mereka telah musnah sepenuhnya dan digantikan dengan ‘Adam’ yang berikutnya sehinggalah tiba kepada Adam, bapa kita. Adam bapa kita, dianggap sebagai pusingan terakhir siri ‘Adam’ di muka bumi.
Ada juga ulama yang berpendapat bahawa Adam dan Hawa dicipta bukan di Syurga tetapi di muka bumi dan daripada bumi.
(Lihat al-Maqdisi: Al-Bad’ wa al-Tarikh dan Ibn al-‘Arabi: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyyah)
Ikhwan al-Safa juga ada menghuraikan tentang hal ini. Mereka menyatakan bahawa semua haiwan dicipta dari tanah liat kering dan membiak di kawasan Khatulistiwa yang tidak terganggu oleh perubahan cuaca yang ektrim. Hal ini memberi ruang kepada pembiakan. Di dalam suasana inilah Adam tercipta (takawwana). Ikhwan al-Safa juga berpendapat bahawa Adam dan Hawa hidup di peringkat pertama kehidupan mereka di bumi (Rasaa’il Ikhwan al-Safa, jilid muka surat 181, 229. Ada kemungkinan konsep ini diambil dari Bible kerana di dalam Bible, Syurga itu adalah Garden of Eden di mana Adam dan Hawa hidup dalam keadaan yang suci)
Mungkin isu-isu di atas dipandang remeh oleh sesetengah kita. Ia mungkin dengan mudah dilabel sebagai khurafat, mangsa Israiliyyat, dongengan dan sebagainya. Namun, perlu diingatkan bahawa bukanlah kesahihan fakta itu yang menjadi keutamaan. Saya tegaskan begini kerana sama ada ia dilihat dari tafsiran kepada teks agama, atau pun kepada pencapaian sains itu sendiri, persoalan-persoalan ini masih dibanjiri oleh hipotesis. Malah jangan lupa kepada ingatan Allah bahawa “AKU MENGETAHUI APA YANG TIDAK KAMU KETAHUI”.
Pengetahuan kita ada batas-batasnya.
Namun apa yang menjadi keutamaan kita ialah, persoalan idea berkaitan dengan evolusi biologi, dan adanya idea tentang berkemungkinan wujudnya kehidupan dan ‘adam’ lain sebelum penciptaan Adam, mempunyai ruang untuk ia dikaji oleh Muslim. Ini akan menghindarkan pelajar Sains daripada dibelenggu rasa bersalah yang tidak perlu. Semata-mata kerana menyangkakan bahawa evolusi menyalahi Islam.
Walhal, prinsip-prinsip evolusi sudah pun ada di fikiran ahli sejarah Muslim seawal kurun ke-10M. Jika ia diterima sebagai subjek yang berharga untuk dikaji oleh umat Islam, mengapa pula hari ini kita mengambil pendirian mudah bahawa ruang perbincangan mengenai hal ini sudah terkunci. Evolusi bertentangan dengan Islam, 100%!
Apa yang membimbangkan saya ialah, sikap orang agama terhadap isu-isu seperti ini akan menimbulkan masalah sebagaimana pemuka agama Kristian yang sombong, telah membiakkan manusia sains yang menjauhi agama. Soal agama mereka betul atau salah, tidak sempat untuk dibicarakan kerana sikap sombong dan simplistic minded mereka telah menyebabkan agama tidak lagi dilihat sebagai sumber kebenaran.
Manusia beralih kepada sains kerana muak dengan kelakuan orang agama yang jumud.
Di Barat sendiri, sebahagian pengkaji cuba untuk mengharmonikan evolusi dengan ajaran agama. Walaupun ahli teologi dan gereja teguh dalam menolak evolusi, namun tetap ada sebahagian mereka yang menerima undang-undang dan proses alam semulajadi, tanpa menafikan proses penciptaan oleh Tuhan. Mereka mempercayai bahawa Tuhan berada ‘di sebalik’ proses evolusi di dalam kehidupan alam ini dan manusia berada di hujung proses evolusi ini.
Penjelasan sebegini disebut sebagai ‘the Divine Evolution’.
Ada juga sebahagian pemimpin di gereja yang mengiktiraf ketidak sempurnaan teks Holy Book dan menganggap teori evolusi biologi sebagai bersesuaian dengan aqidah agama Kristian.(Lihat Maurice Bucaille, What is the Origin of Man? The Answers of Science and the Holy Scripture)
Semakan dari semasa ke semasa perlu dibuat juga oleh kita umat Islam.
Muhammad Iqbal dan beberapa tokoh yang lain, menerima idea evolusi Biologi. Namun, Iqbal menjelaskan bahawa evolusi hanya membabitkan perkembangan fizikal manusia. Ia tidak mempunyai apa-apa kaitan dengan dimensi non fizikal atau spiritual manusia. (Lihat Muhammad Iqbal, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam).
Isu ini akan membabitkan pendirian Islam terhadap penemuan fosil, hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kesahihan persepsi bahawa kehidupan manusia bermula dalam keadaan yang primitif, isu banjir besar serta hal Ya’juj dan Ma’juj.
Di Amerika Syarikat, saintis genetik dan paleontologis di akhir kurun ke 20, selepas mengkaji ribuan fosil purba, menyokong teori mtEve yang mencadangkan bahawa keturunan manusia ini bermula dari satu lelaki dan satu perempuan. Penerimaan ini membuka laluan kepada mereka untuk berpihak kepada agama dan seterusnya mula mengemukakan hipotesis tentang Kapal Nuh dan Garden of Eden.
Jika umat Islam mengambil jalan mudah dengan mengatakan semua ini mengarut, maka lebih mudahlah Islam akan dianggap mengarut, apabila gagal berinteraksi dengan pencapaian sains dan teknologi genetik hari ini.
Saya bimbang dengan jumlah anggota masyarakat kita yang menarik diri dari masyarakat dan memencilkan diri kerana tertekan dengan trend perdana yang selesa dengan anggapan bahawa sains dan agama itu saling bertentangan.
Mudah-mudahan dengan perkongsian maklumat ini akan dapat membuktikan kepada pembaca, betapa ulama, ahli sains dan ahli sejarah saling memerlukan di antara satu sama lain untuk lebih memahami agama, Allah SWT, manusia dan alam sejagat.
Jangan kita mangsakan Islam dan Muslim oleh sembang simplistik yang merugikan itu.
'Amir bin Said dari bapanya berkata bahawa : "Satu hari Rasulullah S.A.W telah datang dari daerah berbukit. Apabila Rasulullah S.A.W sampai di masjid Bani Mu'awiyah lalu beliau masuk ke dalam masjid dan menunaikan solat dua rakaat. Maka kami pun turut solat bersama dengan Rasulullah S.A.W.
Kemudian Rasulullah S.A.W berdoa dengan doa yang agak panjang kepada Allah S.W.T :
Setelah selesai beliau berdoa maka Rasulullah S.A.W pun berpaling kepada kami lalu bersabda yang bermaksud : "Aku telah bermohon kepada Allah S.W.T tiga perkara, dalam tiga perkara itu cuma dia memperkenankan dua perkara sahaja dan satu lagi ditolak.
1. Aku telah bermohon kepada Allah S.W.T supaya ia tidak membinasakan umatku dengan musim susah yang berpanjangan. Permohonanku ini diperkenankan oleh Allah S.W.T.
2. Aku telah bermohon kepada Allah S.W.T supaya umatku ini jangan dibinasakan dengan bencana tenggelam (seperti banjir besar yang telah melanda umat Nabi Nuh s.a). Permohonanku ini telah diperkenankan oleh Allah S.W.T.
3. Aku telah bermohon kepada Allah S.W.T supaya umatku tidak dibinasakan kerana pergaduhan sesama mereka (peperangan, pergaduhan antara sesama Islam). Tetapi permohonanku telah tidak diperkenankan (telah ditolak).
Apa yang kita lihat hari ini ialah negara-negara Islam sendiri bergaduh antara satu sama lain, hari ini orang Islam bergaduh sesama sendiri, orang kafir menepuk tangan dari belakang, apakah ini cantik kita melihatnya ?
heran and hairan
heran and heran.....
why when i go out anywhere orang akan tegur i... they say
[BRADER NIE MACAM AWIE LA] sometimes i feel like a posser.... tapi bukankah manusia itu ada 7 manusia yang seiras .... allah maha kuasa, dia menciptakan sesuatu dengan tujuan.... dulu malu jugak orang panggil awie... but now, its like been familiar with me.... im feel happy sometimes tp kekadang feel shame when they call me AWIE especially my classmate.... they ave their own way to call me AWIE with style
[ aaaauuuuwwwwwiiiieeeeeehhhhhh]
i hate it, hahahaha...... but i like it..... kelaka jugak classmate...... wuteva, i suke hidup dengan care mcm nie...... after this maybe i will cut my hair, its no longer style when everybody comment on my hair.... btw not now, lemme think 1st....
Tooba Lil Ghurubaa (Blessed are the strangers)
Imam Muslim narrated in his Sahih, on the authority of Sahl bin Sa'd as-Saa'adi (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
"Islam began strange and will return strange as it began, so Tooba (blessedness) is for the strangers." It was said: "Who are they Allah's messenger?" He صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
"Those who reform if the people become corrupt."
Islam began a stranger with the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and his companions who believed in him and followed him. It was strange to their way of thinking and life, so they were strangers in the view of the society, with its deriding and scorning of them. They were strangers among their families and neighbours. They were strangers to the help of the society, who would use against them all shades of persecution, yet rarely would anyone defend them. They spent long years in the mountains while no one would marry them and no one would sell to them nor buy from them, until they ate from the leaves of trees.
Islam began a stranger with these shining lights, shining in their spirit, their mentality and their rising above what the people brought of corruption on the earth. Islam began a stranger with these masters who knew nothing of worship except for their Lord, the All-Mighty. It began with these great ones, and ended with the help of Allah most high, after an arduous journey, until the whole world was lit with their brightness, with all shades of oppression and misguidance blotted out from the minds of people.
The patience of these great pioneers ended in a state that ruled with Allah's book and the way of His Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, filling the world with justice, uprightness and guidance, after it had been filled with darkness and oppression.
Islam began with those pure pioneers, and it shall return again! It began with the companions of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with all of them), the best generation until the last day, and today it has returned with the beloved of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم; those who do not deviate from the truth, having deep rooted Iman in their hearts and conviction filling their minds and their thoughts.
From these new shining lights is a great brightness sending its light in a land where the low people have gained domination. A land where the disbelievers have transgressed and caused the people to frown upon the carriers of da'awah. Here the shining lights are strangers, finding none to help them, as the oppressive followers of Karimov hover over them.
So how do these heroes meet their bitter reality? Did they turn back on their idea and their method of work? Did they become hypocritical or find inclination in their hearts for the oppressors?
These great heroes (the true men, the true men) met the evil campaign with elevated spirits and with patient bodies, despite the severity or brutality of the hardship.
They made Wudu with freezing water, in spite of the harshness of the cold winter. They prayed Jumm'ah prayer, in spite of the torture inflicted upon those who do that. They mentioned the da'awah matters in their cells, in spite of the surveillance of the criminals over them, and in spite of the threats of death or torture given to them.
They rejected signing even a small paper that the prison officers wrote, declaring disapproval of the da'awah or innocence from it, which would thus give them freedom to leave and live a comfortable life. They rejected that despite the fact that most of them have spent twelve years or more of their sentences in the worst conditions on the face of the earth.
They were strangers, even in the way they died, the way they were carried in their funerals, and how they were lowered to their graves.
Truly, they are strangers among the people, but they are stars and shining lights among those who know their Iman and sacrifice among those who know the prison, subjugation and restriction, the severity of the torture which leads to martyrdom among those who know the truth and travel on its straight path without deviation.
They are the pure chosen ones (martyrs) with their Lord, the Creator of the heavens and earth. The pure angels will attend their funeral in heaven, if Allah wills, if the pure people did not attend their funeral on the earth; moving with them, praising Allah, raising voices that none can hear except the Lord of the heavens and earth. Then they line up in rows that no man or jinn has lined up in before. When this is over, their souls are carried up through the heavens. In each heaven the angels ask "who are these good people? What is that lovely odour filling the heavens?" So the angels reply that they are the strangers! The strangers in the time of corruption among the people. The strangers who raised themselves above the misguidance and deviation. The strangers who reformed then worked to reform the people, so they were captured by the sinful hands that authored the oppression and walked the path of disbelief, hypocrisy and evil.
So they say with voices filling the heavens "Tooba, Tooba (blessedness) for them". They call out then gather with this honourable delegation, accompanying it to the next heaven. Like this the angels from every heaven accompany them until they reach a great place, with no place like it, in the shade of the throne. There their Lord addresses them, "Tibtum (blessed are you), Tibtum, Tooba is for you and how great a place to return to!" He will order the angels of the heaven to make them in the highest ‘Illyeen (highest elevations of paradise), with the prophets, martyrs and truthful righteous ones who came before them.
A day will come, with Allah most high's permission, that you will come out from this darkness and you are the victors, raising the head high under the banner of the Qur'an, in the shade of the Islamic State which raises in all corners of the earth the flag of ‘La ilaha illa Allah Muhammadu Rasool Allah'.
Finally I say "I ask Allah the Most High to extend help and support to you and make for you a way out and make your matter easier." Allah says:
"And whoever fears Allah He will make for him of his matter ease" [at-Talaaq:4] and
"And whoever fears Allah He will make for him a way out" [at-Talaaq:2].
Our final prayer is al-Hamdu lillah Rabbil ‘aalameen.
Clemency, Tolerance and Gentleness
Allah, the Exalted, says:
"...who repress anger, and who pardon men; verily, Allah loves Al-Muhsinun (the good-doers).'' (3:134)
"Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the foolish (i.e., don't punish them).'' (7:199)
"The good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal. Repel (the evil) with one which is better (i.e., Allah orders the faithful believers to be patient at the time of anger, and to excuse those who treat them badly) then verily he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a close friend. But none is granted it (the above quality) except those who are patient - and none is granted it except the owner of the great portion (of happiness in the Hereafter, i.e., Jannah and of a high moral character) in this world.'' (41:34,35)
"And verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives that would truly be from the things recommended by Allah.'' (42:43)
632. Ibn `Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said to Ashaj Abdul-Qais (May Allah be pleased with him), "You possess two qualities that Allah loves. These are clemency and tolerance.''
Commentary: This Hadith teaches us to adopt a patient, mild and discreet attitude towards others. Moreover, there is a provision for praising somebody in his presence, provided there is no likelihood of his being conceited. The Hadith also provides inspiration for the cultivation of good habits.
633. `Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah is Forbearer and loves forbearance in all matters.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: Mildness also brings human beings closer to one another, and on this count, Allah likes it very much.
634. `Aishah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Allah is Forbearer and He loves forbearance, and rewards for forbearance while He does not reward severity, and does not give for any thing besides it (forbearance).''
Commentary: Mildness is the opposite of harshness. Allah enjoins softness and dislikes stiffness in human relations. Allah assures of reward for gentle behaviour in society, not for unkindness or anything like that. However, inflexibility is preferred to flexibility when there arises a question of religious matters and the limits set by Allah.
635. `Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Whenever forbearance is added to something, it adorns it; and whenever it is withdrawn from something, it leaves it defective.''
Commentary: To be soft-spoken is such a quality that by virtue of which a man is not only endeared to people but also to Allah. And by being bereft of it, he not only becomes a contempt incarnate in the eyes of people but also with Allah.
636. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: A bedouin urinated in the mosque and some people rushed to beat him up. The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Leave him alone and pour a bucket of water over it. You have been sent to make things easy and not to make them difficult.''
Commentary: This Hadith brings into light the fact that leniency is also vitally needed in the sphere of education and discipline. This is particularly true in the case of ignorant and ill-bred people. This is so because if they are treated unkindly, they will become more indocile on account of their wild temperament and foolishness. A kind handling is indispensable for putting them to discipline, even if they make desperate blunders. This Hadith is very beneficial with regard to the way of Da`wah, guidance and practical education. Another point this Hadith discloses is that the flow of water can wipe out dirt and impurity, and make the place free from its effect.
637. Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Make things easy and do not make them difficult, cheer the people up by conveying glad tidings to them and do not repulse (them).''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: This Hadith informs us that preaching, sermons, religious discourses and moral advice all should concentrate on such things as may be helpful to people in being inclined towards gaining religious knowledge. Likewise this aspect should also be kept in view in the exposition and interpretation of religion. Moreover, the tone and mode of expression of religious leaders should not be repulsive and based on sectarian hatred, rather it should pull hearts to religion. In brief, preachers and `Ulama' must be regardful of the central point of the cause to which they are dedicated.
638. Jarir bin `Abdullah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "He who is deprived of forbearance and gentleness is, in fact, deprived of all good.''
639. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: A man asked the Prophet (PBUH) to give him advice, and he (PBUH) said, "Do not get angry.'' The man repeated that several times and he (PBUH) replied (every time), "Do not get angry.''
Commentary: This Hadith has already been quoted. Yet the compiler has repeated it on account of its relevance with this chapter. It is to be noticed that an advice should be made as circumstances demand. When Messenger of Allah (PBUH) perceived by his insight that the visitor was a person of sharp and fiery temper, he repeatedly advised him to resist anger.
640. Abu Ya`la Shaddad bin `Aus (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Verily Allah has prescribed Ihsan (kindness) for everything. So when you kill, you must make the killing in the best manner; when you slaughter, make your slaughter in the best manner. Let one of you sharpen his knife and give ease to his animal (in order to reduce his pain).''
Commentary: By killing is meant the killing of a harmful animal, or the killing of a murderer as retribution and the killing of the enemy in the battlefield. All these situations warrant killing but with a stress on moderation, thanks to Islamic teachings. A believer is told not to let his passions of enmity go wild, and even an enemy or a criminal ought not to be put to a torturous death. In the Pre-Islamic Period of Ignorance it was a prevalent practice that the limbs of a victim were mutilated before he was finally killed. Islam has forcefully forbidden this inhuman custom, stating that the victim should be beheaded with the one swing of sword. Similarly, there are specific instructions regarding an animal's slaughter. First, the knife should be sharpened. Second, the animal must not be slaughtered from its nape, because in both ways it will suffer pain. This Shari`ah rule ensures quick death of the animal. In modern Europe, an animal is slaughtered with one stroke of a cutting-machine. Apparently this method seems to be easy and smooth, yet in this way the animal's blood doesn't flow out from its body completely. So the consumption of the meat of such a kill is injurious to human health. Due to this reason, Islam considers the discharge of blood as a prerequisite to Halal (lawful). Certainly, only the Islamic way of slaughtering an animal is more sound, scientific and wholesome.
641. `Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: Whenever the Prophet (PBUH) was given a choice between two matters, he would (always) choose the easier as long as it was not sinful to do so; but if it was sinful he was most strict in avoiding it. He never took revenge upon anybody for his own sake; but when Allah's Legal Bindings were outraged, he would take revenge for Allah's sake.
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: The two things between which Messenger of Allah (PBUH) would make his choice could be religious or worldly. For instance, if he were asked to award one of the two punishments to somebody, he would choose the milder one. And if he had the liberty of choice between two obligations, he would opt for the easier one. Between war and peace he would always go for peace, provided it involved the interest of Islam and Muslims. Moreover, in all matters he used to take the line of least resistance, in case it went without the disobedience of Allah. In this Hadith, a principle has been defined for Muslims in general as well that they are free to take to an easy way but this must not entail a loophole in respect of the Shari`ah. Secondly, the most excellent character of Messenger of Allah (PBUH) also comes to our view that he never retaliated for personal reasons. His extraordinary concern for the sanctity of Islamic Law is also displayed by the fact that he could never brook the transgression of Allah's limits, and the transgressor was sure to be punished by him. The Prophet's attitude also explains and delimits the sphere of morality that to let the violator of Divine law go scot-free must not be counted as a sign of good manners. Rather it reflects the lack of religious sensibility. Not to take exception to lapses in mundane affairs surely speaks of moral excellence, but we are not allowed to dispense with the evasion of religious rules.
642. Ibn Mas`ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Shall I not tell you whom the (Hell) Fire is forbidden to touch? It is forbidden to touch a man who is always accessible, having polite and tender nature.''
Commentary: The Hadith throws light on a kind bearing which is rooted in Faith and saves man from Hell-fire. The second lesson is that prior to discussing something important with somebody we should make him attentive and receptive, so that he may take interest and put faith in what we tell him.
Making Peace among People
Allah, the Exalted, says:
"There is no good in most of their secret talks save (in) him who orders Sadaqah (charity in Allah's Cause), or Ma`ruf (Islamic Monotheism and all the good and righteous deeds which Allah has ordained), or conciliation between mankind.'' (4:114)
"...and making peace is better.'' (4:128)
"So fear Allah and adjust all matters of difference among you.'' (8:1)
"The believers are nothing else than brothers (in Islamic religion). So make reconciliation between your brothers.'' (49:10)
248. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "On every joint of man, there is charity, on everyday when the sun rises: doing justice between two men is charity, and assisting a man to ride an animal or to load his luggage on it is charity; and a good word is charity, every step which one takes towards (the mosque for) Salat is charity, and removing harmful things from the way is charity". [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: Almighty Allah has made human body flexible, that is to say, its parts have joints which enable him to make all kinds of movements. If human beings did not have these joints, it would not have been possible for its different parts to make movements which they do. Had it been so, one would not have been able to use various parts of his body as he likes. Thus, these joints are a valuable gift from Allah for which one should always be grateful to Him. In all, a person has three hundred and sixty joints in his body, as has already been stated in a Hadith narrated earlier.
According to some Ahadith, two Rak`ah of Duha prayer (optional forenoon prayer) has been regarded sufficient for this purpose, while in others, it has been stated that if one cannot do anything else for expressing gratefulness to Allah, he should refrain from harming others as it is a form of Sadaqah.
249. Umm Kulthum bint `Uqbah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, 'The person who (lies) in order to conciliate between people is not a liar, when he conveys good or says (something) good". [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
The narration in Muslim added: She said, "I never heard him (she meant the Prophet (PBUH)) giving permission of lying in anything except in three (things): war, conciliating between people and the conversation of man with his wife and the conversation of a woman with her husband".
Commentary: This Hadith tells us a very important principle, that is, in spite of its being unlawful, one is permitted to tell a lie if one has to do it for reforming one's society or family or in the interest of Muslims in general. If two Muslim brothers are estranged and someone communicates to them such things which are likely to remove conflict and rancour between them, promote mutual love and bring them nearer to each other, such action, even if it has a lie, is not called a lie in Islam.
1. In order to keep the enemy unaware of the true position, it is permissible to make false propaganda as it is an indispensable device for winning war.
2. In order to maintain pleasant atmosphere in family life, and for this purpose telling a lie becomes inevitable. Shari`ah has permitted lying on such occasions.
250. `Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) heard the voices of altercation of two disputants at the door; both the voices were quite loud. One was asking the other to make his debts little (so that he could pay them) and was pleading with him to show leniency to him, whereupon the (other one) said: "By Allah, I will not do that". Then there came Messenger of Allah (PBUH) to them and said, "Where is he who swore by Allah that he would not do good?'' He said: "O Messenger of Allah, it is me. Now he may do as he desires".
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: This Hadith highlights the following four main points:
1. It is desirable to help someone who is in straitened circumstances because of a debt. If the lender forgives a part of the loan or gives concession of time in repayment of loan, it is an act of great merit. As Allah says:
"And if the debtor is in a hard time (has no money), then grant him time till it is easy for him to repay; but if you remit it by way of charity, that is better for you if you did but know.'' (2:280)
2. If someone seems to incline towards evil, he should be scolded so that he would keep himself away from it and would turn to virtue.
3. Such people who quarrel among themselves should not be left to mutual bickering but efforts should be made for their reconciliation.
4. People who are quarrelling should also co-operate with those who make efforts for reconciliation, and respect their spirit of goodwill.
selepas solat tahajjud atau solat sunat 2 rakaat mempunyai pengaruh
yg besar di dalam mencapai segala yang dihajati.
"Ya Rahman!" apabila dizikirkan sesudah solat 5 waktu sebanyak
500x, maka hati kita akan menjadi terang, tenang sifat2 pelupa
gugup akan hilang dengan izin Allah.
"Ya Rahim!" apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 100x setiap hari, Insya
Allah kita akan mempunyai daya penarik yg besar sekali hingga manusia
merasa cinta kasih serta sayang terhadap kita.
"Ya Malik!" apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 121x setiap pagi atau
setelah tergelincirnya matahari, segala perkerjaan yg dilakukan
setiap hari akan mendatangkan berkat kekayaan yg diredhai Allah.
"Ya Quddus!" apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 100x setiap pagi setelah
tergelincir matahari, maka hati kita akan terjaga dari semua penyakit
hati seperti sombong, iri hari, dengki dll.
"Ya Salam!" apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 136x, Insya Allah jasmani
rohani kita akan terhindar dari segala penyakit sehingga badan
menjadi segar sihat sejahtera.
"Ya Mukmin!" apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 236x, Insya Allah dgn
izin Allah diri kita, keluarga segala kekayaan yg dimilikki akan
terpelihara aman dari segala macam gangguan yg merosakkan.
"Ya Muhaimin!" apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 145x sesudah solat
fardhu Isyak, Insya Allah fikiran hati kita akan menjadi terang
bersih dari segala sesuatu yg merumitkan sehingga mudah utk menghafal
apa jua pelajaran.
"Ya 'Aziz!" apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 40x sesudah solat subuh,
Insya Allah dgn izin Allah, kita akan menjadi orang yg mulia,
disegani orang kerana penuh kewibawaan.
"Ya Jabbar!" apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 226x pagi petang,
semua musuh akan menjadi tunduk patuh dgn izin Allah.
"Ya Mutakabbir!" apabila dizikirkan sebanyak 662x, maka dgn
kebijaksanaan bertindak, kita akan dapat menundukkan semua musuh,
bahkan mereka akan menjadi pembantu yg setia.
"Ya Khaliq!" dibaca mengikut kemampuan atau sebanyak 731x, Insya
Allah bagi yg ingin otak cerdas, cepat menerima sesuatu pelajaran,
amalan ini akan memberikan otak kita cerdas dan cepat tangkap.
"Ya Baarii'!" sekiranya kita berada didalam kesukaran atau sedang
sakit, dibaca sebanyak 100x selama 7 hari berturut-turut, Insya Allah
kita akan terlepas dari kesukaran sembuh dari penyakit tersebut.
"Ya Musawwir!" sekiranya seorang isteri yg sudah lama belum
mempunyai anak, maka cubalah ikhtiar ini dgn berpuasa selama 7 hari
dari hari Ahad hingga Sabtu. Diwaktu hendak berbuka puasa, ambil
segelas air dibacakan "Ya Musawwir" sebanyak 21x, kemudian diminum
air tersebut utk berbuka puasa. Bagi sang suami, hendaklah berbuat
perkara yg sama tetapi hanya dgn berpuasa selama 3 hari. Kemudian,
pada waktu hendak berjimak, bacalah zikir ini sebanyak 10x, Insya
Allah akan dikurniakan anak yg soleh dgn izin Allah.
"Ya Ghaffaar!" sambil beri'tikaf (diam dlm masjid dlm keadaan
suci) bacalah zikir ini sebanyak 100x sambil menunggu masuknya waktu
solat Jumaat, Insya Allah akan diampunkan dosa-dosa kita.
"Ya Qahhaar!" dizikir menurut kemampuan atau sebanyak 306x, maka
hati kita akan dijaga dari ketamakkan kemewahan dunia Insya Allah
orang-orang yg selalu memusuhi kita akan sedar tunduk akhirnya.
"Ya Wahhaab!" dizikir sebanyak 100x sesudah solat fardhu, barang
siapa yg selalu didlm kesempitan, Insya Allah segala kesulitan @
kesempitan dlm soal apa pun akan hilang dgn izinNya.
"Ya Razzaq!" dizikir mengikut kemampuan sesudah solat fardhu
khususnya solat subuh, Insya Allah akan dipermudahkan rezeki yg halal
membawa berkat. Rezeki akan datang tanpa diduga!! tetapi perlulah
dilakukan dgn ikhtiar yg zahir.
"Ya Fattah!" dizikir sebanyak 71x sesudah selesai solat subuh,
Insya Allah hati kita akan dibuka oleh Allah, sehingga mudah menerima
nasihat agama.
"Ya 'Aalim!" dizikir sebanyak 100x setiap kali selesai solat
Maktubah, Insya Allah akan mendapat kemakrifatan yg sempurna.
Fadhilat ini dipetik dari tajuk buku Khasiat Asmaul Husna Himpunan Ayat-Ayat Al-Quran:
Abu Nur Husnina keluaran Pustaka.
99 Names Of Allah & Its Benefits
(The Beneficent)
One who recites this name 100 times will get sharp memory.
Al ‘Adl
(The Just)
One who eats the bread after writing this name Friday night, will obey his order.
Al ‘Afuw
(The Pardoner)
One who recites this name frequently, his sins will be pardoned.
Al Ahad
(The One)
Recitation of this name 1000 times opens certain secrets.
(The Last)
One who recites this name frequently will lead a good life and at the end of this life will have a good death.
(The Most High)
Frequent recitation of this name helps in destiny and in Traveling.
(The All Knowing)
One who recites this name will become luminous
and can be revealed by divine light (Noor).
(The First)
Recitation of this name, 1000 times for 40 Fridays will help in getting a child.
(The Great One)
One who recites this name frequently will get respect from others.
Al ‘Aziz
(The Mighty)
Recite this name 40 times after fajr (morning) prayers for 40 days to be independent from need from others.
(The Hidden)
One who recites this name three times in a day will be
able to see the truth in things.
(The Incomparable)
One who recites this name 70 times will be free from all troubles.
(The Resurrector)
One who recites this name will gain the fear of Allah.
(The Everlasting)
One who recites this name 100 times before sunrise will be
saved from all disasters.
(The Source of all Goodness)
One who recites this name for his child, the child will be free from misfortune.
(The All Seeing)
One who recites this name 100 times after Friday Prayers (Namaz) will get the esteem in the eyes of others
(The Expander)
One who recites this name 10 times after morning Prayers (Namaz) with open hands will get wealth.
(The Opener)
One who recites this name will face the victory.
(The Forgiver)
One who recites this name, his sins will be forgiven.
(The All Forgiving)
Recitation of this name helps in healing from headache, Fever & depression.
(The Self Sufficient)
One who recites this name will be contented and not covetous.
(The Guide)
One who recites this name frequently will gain spiritual knowledge.
(The preserver)
One who recites this name 16 times each day will be
protected against calamities.
(The Judge)
One who recites this name frequently at night,
many secrets will be revealed to him / her.
(The Wise)
One who recites this name continuously will
prevent him / her from the difficulties in work.
(The Forbearing One)
Write this name on the piece of paper and put it where the seeds are sown, this will prevent from any disaster & calamity.
(The Praiseworthy)
One who recites this name will be loved and praised
(The Truth)
One who recites this name will get his lost thing.
(The Reckoner)
One who starts reciting this name 70 times beginning Thursday for seven days and nights and at the 71st time recites “HabiAl-llah ul Hasib” will be free of fears from robbery & Jealousy.
(The Alive)
One who recites this name will have long life.
(The Gatherer)
One who recites this name will find lost things.
(The Compeller)
Recitation of this name helps to prevent from violence, severity or hardness.
(The Sublime One)
One who writes this name on a piece of paper with musk and saffron, washes it, and drinks the water from a ceramic container made of earth, will be revered among men.
(The Most Great)
One who recites this name 100 times will get esteem.
(The Generous One):
One who recites this name will have esteem in this world.
(The Aware)
One who recites this name will be quickly freed from the bad habit.
(The Abaser)
Recitation of this name, 70,000 times in gathering after fasting for 3 days will be safeguarded from enemy.
(The Creator)
Recitation of this name at night will create an angel.
(The Evolver)
Recitation of each 21 times will help women during child birth.
(The Fashioner)
(The Subtle One)
One who recites this name 100 times after performing two rakats of Namaz will gets all his desires fulfilled.
(The Noble)
One who recites this name, his heart will be enlightened.
(The Most Glorious One)
One who recites this name will gain glory.
(The Sovereign Lord)
One who recites this name frequently will be respected and treated accordingly by others.
(The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty)
One who recites this name will get esteem.
(The Preventer)
One who recites this name will have a good family life.
(The Firm One)
One who recites this name will be freed from any troubles.
(The Delayer)
Reciting this name 100 times helps to love only Allah.
(The Originator)
Recitation of this name on pregnant woman will prevent her from abortion.
(The Enricher)
One who recites this name 10 times for 10 Fridays will become self sufficient.
(The Protector)
One who recites this name with complete ablution, their inner being will be luminous.
(The Reckoner)
One who recites this name 1000 times will have easiness on the judgment day.
(The giver of life)
One who recites this name will be helped in heavy burden.
(The Restorer)
Recitation of this name 70 times will helpful in safe return of the missing person.
(The Honorer)
Reciting 140 times after isha prayer will help in attaining dignity in the eyes of others.
(The Responsive)
Recitation of this name will fulfill appeals.
(The Guardian of Faith)
One who recites this name will be free from any harm.
(The Creator of Death)
One who recites this name will be prevented from enemy.
(The Avenger)
One who recites this name frequently will be victorious against his enemies.
(The Expediter)
Recitation of this name is helpful in the battlefield
(The maintainer)
One who recites this name on a glass of water and gives this water to bad mannered child, it will help the child in attaining good manners.
(The Equitable)
One who recites this name will be free from the harm of the devil.
(The Powerful)
Recitation of this name helps to know the truth.
(The Most Exalted)
One who recites this name frequently will gain the benevolence of Allah.
(The Majestic)
Recitation of this name before having intercourse with wife will blessed with righteous child.
(The Dishonorer)
One who recites this name 75 times will be prevented from jealousy.
(The Propitious)
One who recites this name continuously for four days will be prevented from any harm.
(The Light)
One who recite this name will have inner light.
(The Constrictor)
One who writes this name on 50 pieces of food (fruit, bread, etc) for 40 days will receive ample sustenance.
(The Able)
Recitation of this name helps in fulfilling one’s desires.
(The subduer)
One who recites this name will be made free from the attractions of the world and gain inner peace.
(The most Strong)
One who recites this name with the intention of not being harmed, will be safe from his enemy.
(The Self Subsisting)
One who recites this name will not fall into inadvertency.
(The Holy)
One who recites 100 times every day will be free from anxiety.
(The Exalter)
Reciting this name 100 times during day and night will make the person higher and rich.
(The Merciful)
One who recites this name seven times will be under Allah’s protection.
(The Watchful)
One who recites this name seven times will be under Allah’s protection.
(The Guide to the Right Path)
One who recites this name 1000 times between Maghrib and Isha Namaz will be safe from troubles.
(The Compassionate)
Recitation of this name gives the blessing of Allah.
(The Provider)
One who recites this name will be provided with sustenance from Allah.
(The Patient)
One who recites this name 3000 times will be rescued from any difficulty.
(The Source of Peace)
One who recites this name 160 times to a sick person will regain health.
(The Eternal)
One who recites this name frequently will be helped in need.
(The Al Hearing)
One who recites this name 100 times without speaking to anyone on Thursday after the Zuhr prayer, Allah will bestow on him / her any desire.
(The Witness)
One who recites this name will get obedient child.
(The Appreciative)
Recitation of 41 times will helps in healing from depression.
(The Acceptor of Repentance)
One who recites this name frequently, his repentance will be accepted.
(The Governor)
One who recites this name and breathes it into his house, his house will be free from danger.
(The Protecting Friend)
One who recites this name will be the protected one
(The loving)
Reciting this name 1000 times on food before eating will help in making compromise between two persons.
(The Bestower)
One who recites this name 100 times after two rakats of Namaz will get all needs fulfilled.
(The Unique)
One who recites this name alone and in a quiet place will be free from fear and delusion.
(The Finder)
One who recites this name will have richness of heart.
(The Trustee)
One who recites this name will have long life.
(The Supreme Inheritor)
One who recites this name will have long life.
(The All Embracing)
Recitation of this name will eradicate poverty.
"Hanyasanya semua amal perbuatan itu dengan disertai niat-niatnya dan hanyasanya bagi setiap orang itu apa yang telah menjadi niatnya. Maka barangsiapa yang hijrahnya itu kepada Allah dan RasulNya, maka hijrahnya itupun kepada Allah dan RasulNya. Dan barangsiapa yang hijrahnya itu untuk harta dunia yang hendak diperolehinya, ataupun untuk seorang wanita yang hendak dikahwininya, maka hijrahnyapun kepada sesuatu yang dimaksud dalam hijrahnya itu."
(Muttafaq 'alaih)
[SN] Al-Hadith : Bakar Rumah Mereka Yang Tidak Ikut Berjemaah
"Demi Zat yang jiwaku ada di dalam genggaman kekuasaan-Nya, nescayalah aku
bermaksud menyuruh supaya dicarikan kayu bakar, kemudian bersolat sesudah
diazankannya. Lalu aku ingin menyuruh seseorang lelaki untuk menjadi imam untuk
orang ramai. Lalu aku pergi ke tempat orang-orang lelaki - yang tidak ikut
berjamaah - untuk membakar rumah-rumah mereka itu."
(Muttafaq 'alaih)
[SN] Al-Hadith : Jangan Jadi Anak Kambing
"Tiada tiga orang pun yang berada dalam suatu kampung atau suatu desa yang di
kalangan mereka tidak didirikan solat (berjamaah), melainkan syaitan telah dapat
memenangkan mereka itu. Maka dari itu, hendaklah kamu semua tetap menjaga
berjemaah, sebab hanyasanya serigala itu dapat makan dari kambing yang jauh
(yakni yang terpencil dari kawanannya)."
Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Abu Dawud dengan isnad hasan.
[SN] Al-Hadith : Cara Mudah Mendapat Pahala Solat Malam
"Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan solat Isya' dengan berjemaah, maka seolah-olah ia
mendirikan solat separuh malam dan barangsiapa yang mengerjakan solat Subuh
dengan berjemaah, maka seolah-olah ia mendirikan shalat semalam suntuk."
(Riwayat Muslim)
[SN] Al-Hadith : Cara Mudah Mendapat Pahala Solat Malam
"Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan solat Isya' dengan berjemaah, maka seolah-olah ia
mendirikan solat separuh malam dan barangsiapa yang mengerjakan solat Subuh
dengan berjemaah, maka seolah-olah ia mendirikan shalat semalam suntuk."
(Riwayat Muslim)